
The Royal Elite campus is divided into two parts.

One is the Elite School, while the other is the Royal Elite High. Just as its name suggests, Elite School is for normal kids, while Royal Elite High is for the Richie-rich kids.

The Royal Elite High campus is known for its extravagant facilities and exclusive privileges. The Elite School campus, on the other hand, is more focused on providing a well-rounded education for all students.

The stark contrast between these two campuses has led to the rivalry that exists today. This rivalry has created a social divide between the two campuses, with students from Elite School feeling resentful and marginalized.

The students from Royal Elite High often flaunt their wealth and look down upon the students from Elite School, considering them to be beneath them. Despite the differences in wealth and privilege, both campuses strive to excel academically and produce successful graduates.

This creates constant competition between the two schools, with each side trying to prove their superiority. The ongoing rivalry between the two campuses shows no signs of ending any time soon, causing tension and animosity between the students, the staff, and the directors.

The rivalry extends beyond the classroom, with students from each campus constantly trying to outdo one another in sports, extracurricular activities, and even in social events. This tension and animosity between the students has led to frequent clashes and disputes, both academically and socially.

One of the ways in which the boys from both schools express their rivalry is through physical fights. These fights can occur during sports matches, where players from each campus engage in intense physical confrontations to prove their dominance.

Additionally, disputes between students can escalate to physical altercations, with punches thrown and shooting matches breaking out. The boys' physical fights serve as a way for them to physically demonstrate their superiority and assert their dominance over the rival school.

These fights often attract large crowds of students from both schools, who gather to cheer on their respective teams and incite further rivalry. Despite efforts from teachers and administrators to discourage such behaviour, the boys continue to engage in physical fights as a means of expressing their rivalry and proving themselves superior.

Meanwhile, for the girls, they have cat fights or petty wording spar as a way to assert dominance and establish their hierarchy within the group. One of the recent incidents involved me and the Queen Bee of the Royals, Shanaya Kapoor. We are both the dance leads of our respective dance teams.

Last year, the administration decided to have a dance face-off between the dance teams to decide which team would represent the Royal Elite Campus in the inter-school competition.

The face-off was highly anticipated, as it would determine not only the best dance team but also the social status of the members involved. The tension between Shanaya and me grew, and it was clear that this competition was more than just a dance-off; it was a battle for power and recognition within the school.

The final face-off was between me and Shanaya. The given concept was classical dance, and we were both determined to prove ourselves as superior dancers. I didn't know that Shanaya was ready to do anything to win.

As the music began, Shanaya's graceful movements mesmerized the audience. She twirled and spun effortlessly, her ghungroos creating a symphony of sound. I was about to execute a particularly intricate step when disaster struck and my accident occurred. My ghungroos, the tiny bells wrapped around my ankles, suddenly scattered and fell to the floor.

The sound echoed through the auditorium, catching everyone's attention. I tried to continue dancing, but each step I took sent a sharp pain through my feet. Blood started to stain the stage beneath me as I ignored the pain and pushed through.

Despite the pain, I tried to continue dancing, but it was clear that my performance was compromised and there was no way I would be winning this face-off. But I refused to let it deter me from giving my best performance. The audience gasped at the sight of my bleeding feet, but their shocked expressions only fuelled my determination further.

In the end, Shanaya won, scoring a point for the Royals, making them win by default, and we Elites lost the face-off. As I limped off the stage, my teammates and friends helped me off, but my heart sank with disappointment and guilt. We had worked tirelessly for this moment, and to have it taken away by my injury was devastating.

After this incident, the hostility between the schools increased. So, a few years ago, the Royal Elites board of directors came up with a solution to mend the students. Before the start of every batch of seniors, the school will be exchanging 15 students. The Elite will have the last 15 ranked students from the Royals, while the Royals will be accepting the top 15 students of the Elite. This system will ensure a more balanced and diverse student body for both the Elite and the Royals.

The decision to implement this exchange program was met with mixed reactions from both the Elite and the Royals. The Elite students saw it as an opportunity to experience a different environment, while the Royals were totally against it and viewed it as an intrusion on their established social circles.

Nonetheless, the board of directors was firm in their decision. They were determined to proceed with the plan, despite the opposition from the Royals. This decision was based primarily on developing deserving elite students. They believed that by focusing on deserving elite students, they could uplift the overall reputation and prestige of the institution.

So here I am on my first day of summer classes at the other side of campus, the Royals, with my four best friends. I had expected my life to be like a roller coaster ride, but what I didn't expect was to fall for the King of the Royals, and now everything feels like a whirlwind of emotions. He has swept me off my feet and changed everything.

I never saw it coming, but now I can't imagine my life without him.



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